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Bloom Where You Are Planted

Lesson 5: The Flow of Energy


You, yourself, are the eternal energy which appears as this Universe.

You didn’t come into this world; you came out of it. Like a wave from the ocean. 

Alan Watts

Getting Started

Enjoy this guided body scan meditation, from Fragrant Heart, and begin to feel “being” in your body in the present moment. This is the focal point to anchor you in mindfulness and to become aware of the power of the breath. As you deepen into this guided meditation you will be able to acknowledge emotions and pain in a place of safety and trust. Being aware of feelings and emotions, accepting them and embracing them, is a crucial part of the healing process. Listen here.

Lesson: The Flow of Energy

Flowers come in many shapes. The shape of a flower and the direction of the flower’s stamen and pistil share information about its flow of energy. In this lesson, you will explore the shape of the flower to receive a message about the healing meaning of its shape in your life.


Below is a list of some of the most common flowers shapes. If you do not find your flower in this list, choose the shape(s) that best describe the flower or combine those closest to its shape.

  • Sun shaped flowers have petals which are open and radiate out of and around the periphery of the flower head symbolizing one’s core personality and power, confidence, self expression, and purpose.

  • Star shaped flowers have petals which are open and radiate outward from the center forming a star symbolizing the connection with the universe and spirit world, opening, and progress.

  • Bowl, Cup, Chalice shaped flowers have petals which are open and radiate upward from the center forming a chalice or container symbolizing nurturance, receptivity, emotions, and gifts.

  • Trumpet shaped flowers have petals which are open and radiate upward from the center forming a deep chalice or container symbolizing openness, release of energy, self expression, and verbal communication.

  • Bell shaped flowers have petals which are open and radiate downward from the center forming an inverted container symbolizing groundedness, communication, openness, guidance, and manifestation.

  • Round or Flat flowers have florets that appear as a single flower symbolize integration of thoughts, ideas, and energies needing to be brought together into a balanced and harmonious whole.

  • Candle, Flame, and Spike shaped flowers have petals which are upright and often sword or candle shaped symbolizes purification, renewal, truth, transformation, and upliftment.

  • Drooping spray flowers have sprays of flower or florets forming an arching branch symbolizing enjoyment, flexibility, and relaxation.












Robert Bruce, metaphysician and author, writes that “The human aura is both an energy field and a reflection of the subtle life energies within the body. These energies make us what we are and in turn, are affected by our surroundings and lifestyle. The aura reflects our health, character, mental activity and emotional state. It also shows disease – often long before the onset of symptoms.”


The four subtle energy bodies, starting from the physical body, are the:

  • Etheric Body, the energetic mirror of the physical body, is the densest body and it relates to the body's life force energy and its survival in the physical world.

  • Emotional Body relates to emotions, feelings, experiences, and the five senses. It acts as the bridge between the Physical and Mental bodies.

  • Mental Body relates to thought, logic, ideas, and consciousness which creates the framework for the Soul to project its personality.

  • Spiritual Body relates to love, relationships, spiritual connection, spiritual path and direction in life.

​Everything in the universe is made of vibrating energy. Even thoughts have an energy form. Every thought you have directly affects your energetic body:

  • Positive thoughts, including love, peace, gratitude, forgiveness, etc. make the aura expand and vibrate faster and creates colorful patterns in the mental and emotional body of the aura.

  • Negative thoughts make the aura contract and vibrate slower and creates dark, murky colors. 

  • Illness makes the whole aura gray, as does the use of recreational drugs, stimulants or excess pharmaceutical drugs.

Sit with your Flower Guide and ask it to share its meaning for you.

Taking the Lesson Further

Have you uncovered a thought, feeling, or belief that you are ready to release? Here are a couple of techniques to try.


  • Imagine a rose and send the thought, feeling or belief into the rose. Allow the rose to drift away or imagine the rose exploding.


  • Try this simple and effective tapping process known as the Dynmind Technique, from Serge Kahili King founder of Choose a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual issue to work on.

  1. Bring both hands together with all of your fingertips touching as if they were holding on to something.

  2. Make the following statement, "I have a thought, feeling or belief, and that can change; I want that thought, feeling or belief to go away."

  3. With two or three fingers tap, 7 times each, the center of your chest, the top of your hand in the area between the thumb and index finger of both hands, and the bone at the base of your neck.

  4. Inhale with your attention focused on the top of your head; exhale with your attention on your toes.


Symptoms may change in intensity, location, or type. Repeat the above steps for continued benefit. The Dynamind Technique, or DMT, is a safe, easy, fast, and effective method of healing based on a special blend of words, touch, breath and, sometimes, imagery. It has been designed so that most people can use it themselves to help relieve most conditions most of the time in less than an hour. It can also be used in combination with other treatments to help all people with all conditions in varied times. All healing comes from within. DMT by itself does not heal anything, but it helps prepare the mind and the body so that healing may happen more easily. It has proven effective as an aid to healing a wide variety of physical, emotional and mental conditions, and it is being tested with more and more conditions every day by an international team of practitioners. To learn more about the technique, click here.

Closing Thoughts: Grounding and Raising Your Energy 


How would you describe the general state of your energy? It's important to keep your energy strong and moving through the body and aura. This meditation, from Fragrant Heart, will help you raise your energy levels, revitalize your health, and enhance your state of well being. As you do this meditation, visualize yourself as a flower blossom and notice the flow of energy through your body – how does the energy flow? Listen here.

Here are two simple energy exercises, created by Donna Eden, for energy health and well-being.

  1. Figure Eights get the energy flowing and also help the cells, muscle and brain function with greater vitality. It is also a great exercise for integrating your right and left brain and creating balance when you are all caught up in your head or can’t think straight. It can help increase alertness, centeredness, relaxation, boost energy and vitality. The basic exercise is to stand with your arms comfortably by your side and then raise them and draw the figure 8 (trace in the air). View here.

  2. "Zip-Ups" boosts confidence, clears your thoughts, and protects you from negative energies that may be around you. View video here

For a video of her Donna Eden's daily energy routine, click hereFor a PDF handout of Donna Eden's daily energy routine put together by Amy B, Scher, click here.

Discover 99 ways to raise your vibration in this article, 99 Ways to Live More Consciously-Raise Your Vibration, read here.


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