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Healing with Flowers Course


Lesson 7: Healing with Numbers


For a person who cultivates wisdom or true knowledge,

the results are inner peace, satisfaction, patience, respect for others, and freedom

from duplicity, compassion, joyfulness, and remembrance of his spiritual identity..."

Chris Butler

Getting Started: Seven Chakra Lotus Flower Meditation 

Share Siwek writes in "Sacred Lotus, A Plant Study" that the Lotus flower is a sacred and divine flower in many religions and cultures and symbolizes beauty, fertility, enlightenment, purity, peace, rebirth, and transcendence. It opens with the light of the sun and close with darkness. Each day is a new life, a new rebirth for the flower. The life cycles of the Lotus, both daily and seasonal, evoke how the human spirit unfolds: from humble beginnings in the mud to the blossoming of the soul in the ether and light.

The colors of the lotus are:

  • White symbolizing mental and spiritual purity and enlightenment.

  • Red symbolizing the beauty and openness of the heart; compassion, love, and passion

  • Pink symbolizing enlightenment.

  • Blue symbolizing cleanliness, intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom.

  • Purple symbolizing mysticism.

  • Gold symbolizing the achievement of enlightenment.

Today's guided meditation, from Fragrant Heart, focuses on compassion that lies within yourself. You are the form, the temple, the vessel of love. You are connected to all that is. In the Buddhist tradition, each person on the spiritual path is an evolving bodhisattva. Light and love arise within the form. It is no longer necessary to seek it outside of yourself. Be yourself, be the light and love that you are because you are life, and life expresses itself in the embodiment of deepest compassion.

At the end of this guided meditation, you will hear the mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum. This mantra is widely used by Buddhists throughout the world but anyone can repeat these syllables, which carry the vibrations of compassion, wisdom, and love and translate into “Behold the jewel in the lotus”. Listen here to the chant.


When you are ready, listen to the meditation here.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

Nikola Tesla

Lesson: Healing with Numbers

In this lesson, you will explore the pattern of energy and numbers, or numerology, to discover your inner motivation and drive. Numerology, also known as Arithmancy and Numeromancy, is created from the Latin word 'numerus', which means 'number', and the Greek word 'logos', which means 'word' or 'thought'.

When the petals of the heart unfold fragrance spreads across the valley.

Amit Ray

  1. Rose

  2. Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus)

  3. Prince's Pine (Chimaphila umbellata)

  4. Swamp Candle (Lysimachia terrestris)

  5. Forget-Me-Not

  6. Baby Blue Eyes

  7. Columbine Flower (Aquelegia canadensis)

  8. Sandwort (Arenaria grandiflora)

  9. Four O'Clock (Mirabilis jalapa)

  10. Hibiscus

  11. Plumeria

  12. Lenten Rose (Plumeria acuminata)

Healing Messages

  • The number 1 is associated with the Sacral and Crown chakras and its healing mesage is to seek and form new opportunities and self-care.

  • The number 2 is associated with the Crown chakra and its healing message is to balance or to wait for more information; create healthy boundaries.

  • The number 3 is associated with the Crown chakra and its healing message is to seek creative opportunities, often with others, to bring together body, mind, and spirit to reach your goals and dreams.

  • The number 4 is associated with the Solar Plexus and Throat chakras and its healing message is to create a solid fertile foundation to grow your dream and to seek opportunities to use nature; its healing qualities are to love and serve others.

  • The number 5 is associated with the Root and Crown chakras and its healing message is to seek opportunities that allow change and transformation and freedom; balance the energies of heaven and earth.

  • The number 6 is associated with the Solar Plexus, Heart, and Throat and its healing message is to release and let go of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, conditions, and situations that keep you from moving forward.

  • The number 7 is associated with the Crown chakra and its healing message is to create time for introspection; create a deeper relationship with the spiritual world.

  • The number 8 is associated with the Sacral and Crown chakras and its healing message is to seek opportunities to achieve your goals; release the relationships with people and things that no longer serve the highest good.

  • The number 9 is associated with the Root, Heart, and Crown chakras and its healing message is to seek new inspiration and opportunities for growth and empowerment.

Case Study

When Steven studied the numerology of his bluebell Flower Guide he was guided to examine the number one (1) and five (5). The bluebell is a downward pointing bell shape flower that appears as a single petal with five (5) pointed edges. The number one (1) with its healing message regarding self-care and the number (5) with its healing message of connection with nature. Both numbers validated the guidance Steven has previously received from his Flower Guide. Steven remarked that as his walks in nature were healing and his physical and emotional health was improving. Steven became to think about the further life changes that he might make in alignment with his original healing intention of releasing the belief that he needed to please others by putting their expectations above his own desires.

Taking the Lesson Further


Healing is a journey that engages our whole being of heart,

soul and spirit and is not a linear process but instead follows a spiral pattern.

As we spiral through life we periodically reach new understandings allowing

healing to reach deeper levels each time filling ourselves more fully

with our true essential nature.

As we become more our self our unique path is revealed

and that which doesn't serve us on our path falls away.

Pam Montgomery, author of "Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness".

Reflect on this short meditation from 2Much Fun, click here.

Close your eyes and visualize that central point and imagine yourself, very small, at the beginning of the spiral. Just as you follow the spiral around and around like a staircase, imagine yourself climbing those stairs, spiraling around and around, climbing higher and higher and moving up and out through the chambers, each chamber being a larger replica of the one before.


Go slowly and allow yourself to experience the turns of the spiral and how it gets wider and wider at each turn. In your mind's eye look down into the spiral and view the center once again to see how far you have gone. The spiral staircase can go anywhere you want it to go, or you can stop in any one of the chambers to receive the knowledge and wisdom of that chamber. Remember that the Nautilus has been replicating itself for 500 million years and carries in its chambers the memories and knowledge of times past.

Image by Won Young Park

When you feel that you have experienced the upward turning of the spiral, look back once again to the center to see how far you have climbed. Then relax your mind and rest for a time within the spiral's energy. Open your eyes and be sure to write down any experiences or any knowledge you have received from the Nautilus.

Where are you on your learning and healing spiral?

Closing Thoughts

At the beginning of your life in the womb, you were nothing but geometrical forms. In fact, all life forms—trees, plants, dogs, cats, everything—have the same geometrical and structural patterns running through them that ran through you when you were microscopic. Every known life form begins as a sphere.


Coloring is a right-brain activity that sparks your imagination and engages your creative center. When you color a mandala, you’re not only firing up your imagination but you’re also calling on your intuition for guidance. Both imagination and intuition serve as gateways to accessing higher dimensions of consciousness. Express your true colors through mandala coloring. Mandala coloring is a special way to express yourself. When you color, you’re communicating your innermost needs, wants, and desires. You’re sharing information about who you are and what you’re feeling at that moment. It’s no wonder that mandala coloring is viewed as such an effective medium for healing. 

Do you know your own personal Numerology? The moment of your birth represents the movement of your soul from one reality into a new space and place. The numbers associated with your birth date and name reflect something of your potential like a Maker’s Mark from the Universe. 

  • Birth Force, also known as "Life Path" shares about why you are here on Earth, what you are meant to accomplish, your struggles, and opportunities you may face in this life.

  • Destiny Number relates to your vibration in this world; how you express yourself in the many outer experiences of your life, birth given talents to be developed, and tasks you must achieve in this life.

  • Personality Number relates to the practical side of your life, such as career and personal and your comfort level in relationships.

  • Heart's Desire or Soul Urge Number closes the gap between how you feel people see you and the way they see you. It also relates to the subjective, inner aspects of your life, and improve relationships.


Learn more about personal numerology here.

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