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Bloom Where You Are Planted

Lesson 6: Healing with Color


Did you know...Bees are attracted to bright blue and violet colors. Hummingbirds prefer red, pink, fuchsia or purple flowers. Butterflies enjoy bright colors such as yellow, orange, pink and red. Bats and moths prefer night-blooming flowers and are attracted by the fragrance since they don't see colors.

Getting Started: "Glittering Golden Liquid Breathing" Meditation


The "Glittering Golden Liquid Breathing" visualization technique will anchor you in mindfulness, in being present here and now. It will restore inner balance so that stress melts away. It will soothe and calm, as well as energize you so that you experience a deep sense of well being. It will create a positive mental outlook if you practice it regularly. By doing this visualization you can deepen the healing of any health problems you may have. Listen here.

Lesson: Healing with Color


In this lesson, you will begin the exploration of color, the energy of light, and learn how to use color to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.

Lesson 5: Color




Chakras are spinning or whirling centers of energy, often described as flowers, that open and activate as we develop physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They draw in energy from the environment and change its frequency so that it can be assimilated by the body and utilized wherever it is needed. Chakras can become damaged or blocked by illness, stress, or emotional trauma thereby depriving the related organs of vital energy.

There are 7 primary chakras and many minor chakras including the feet, knees, and hands.


Starting from the pelvic floor area, they are:

  1. Root (red) – Security, abundance

  2. Sacrum or Sacral (orange) - Creativity

  3. Solar (yellow) – Personal power

  4. Heart (pink in children, emerald green in adults) – Love, empathy, compassion love.

  5. Throat (blue) – Speech, communication

  6. Brow (purple) –  Intuition 

  7. Crown (white) – Dreams, visions and images.

The Healing Power of Color

The Flower Guide's color communicates the light quality needed to restore balance and harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. Keep in mind that an under or over activated chakra may be indicating that its complementary color is needed to balance and harmonize the chakra. A complementary color is the color opposite to it on the color wheel. Take a few minutes and watch this tutorial video from Michael's craft store showing the basics of the color wheel and the different shades of color that can be created when you try different combinations of the three primary colors: Red, Blue and Yellow, watch here


Color therapy or chromotherapy works on the principle that illness and dis-ease can be traced to the absence of a particular color in the human energy and that by applying the missing color a healthy energetic flow is restored. Some key principles of color therapy are:

  • Dark colors, red, orange, and yellow are associated with the lower chakras and govern the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). They relate to the past and address happiness and feminine issues.

  • Light colors, green, blue, violet are associated with the higher chakras and govern the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relax) and they maintain and restore the body. They relate to the future and address masculine issues.

  • Mid range colors, such as orange, relate to the present.

  • Magenta, the combination of red and purple, brings deeply held conflicts and emotions to the surface.


Now its time to retrieve your Flower Guide. Sit with your Flower Guide and ask it to reveal the message of its physical color and the meaning of this color in your life.

What chakra(s) is associated with your flower colors?

  1. What is the gift, challenge, and the healing message associated with the chakra and its colors?

  2. How does this gift and challenge manifest in your current situation?

  3. What needs to be created, released or re-balanced to manifest the healing in a way that will embrace, inspire and empower you?

  4. What is one (very) small step you can take today towards bring this color and it quality into your life?

When you are done, review your healing intention. Have you gained any additional insight into your healing situation? If necessary, take a few minutes to adjust, revise, or update your healing intention.

Case Study

Steven attracted a single Scottish Harebell blue flower during a walk one late autumn day in the wooded area near his home. The flower, a bell-shaped flower on a dainty slender stem, had a dominant violet blue exterior color and a lesser dominant under color of white and yellow. He reported feeling particularly drawn that day to the blue and yellow colors. Sitting with his Flower Guide, he asked it for its wisdom and guidance regarding the relevance of these colors aligned with his healing intention. The Flower Guide guided Steven to reflect on the quality of self-expression in his life and whether he was actively and creatively expressing himself or stifling his self-expression in response to the expectation of others. With this information, Steven choose, as his color healing tool, yellow color whose healing message is personal responsibility and power.


Taking the Lesson Further


Angels have long been painted with halos, which are glowing lights indicating their heavenly purity and divine origin.

Doreen Virtue

Doreen identifies the archangels with the "halo" colors listed below. You can call on the archangel to assist in your healing. 

When your Energy vibrates at a frequency that is in direct alignment with what the universe has been attempting to deliver your entire life, you begin to live in the flow and true miracles start to happen.

Panache Desai

Think Possibility

Have you identified a limitation or restriction in manifesting your healing intention? If so, replace it with a possibility. Think big and expansively and without any restricting factors. Don't worry about the how, just ask yourself “what else is possible?” and "what else that I don't know or haven't thought about is possible?". Then pick one possibility and visualize its positive, healing effect on your life. Next, identify one (very) small action step that you can take to change this possibility into a reality.

When you are ready, take a deep breath in and out through your strong and radiant heart. Visualize the energy of the earth and the sky flowing into your heart and into every cell of your body. Visualize and intend a bouquet of beautiful golden flowers holding your possibility within your heart. Then on an exhalation breath, see the flower bouquet emerging from your heart and watch it drift out into the universe.


Did you know that you hold the power of color in your hands? Minor chakras are located in the palms of your hands and each of your fingers is associated with a chakra and color. Your:

  • thumb is associated with the color white

  • index finger is associated with the color green

  • middle finger is associated with the color red

  • ring finger is associated with the color blue

  • little finger is associated with the color yellow.

Are your digits due for a little TLC?

Use these self-massage and reflexology techniques to relieve tension in fingers, hands, and wrists. Give Yourself a Hand: Self-Massage for Deserving Digits, click here.

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