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Bloom Where You Are Planted

Lesson 9: Healing with Community

Pick the weeds and keep the flowers.

Kelly Clarkson

Getting Started: A Journey into Sound

Enjoy this beauty sound healing meditation, "A Journey into Sound with Barbara Meiklejohn- Free and Tim Wheater", listen here.


Lesson: A Garden of Community

In this lesson, you will journey to meet a transformation ally who can help support and assist you in creating the change that is necessary to transform form your healing situation and to manifest your healing intention. 



























Discovering your Transformation Ally
Recall your journal notes when you first connected with your Flower Guide, did you observe an insect, bird or animal on or around your flower? If not, no worries as in this lesson, you will journey with Barbara Meiklejohn-Free to connect with and explore your transformation ally.

Before starting the journey, listen to Barbara talk about how she works with power animals and healing, listen here When you are ready to start your journey, listen here.




Next, sit with your transformation ally and ask it to share more about its relevance and meaning in your life and what transformation and support is necessary to manifest your healing intention.

  1. What was your transformation ally?

  2. What transformation is needed?

  3. What support is needed?

  4. What is the first (very) small step that you can take to begin this transformation?

Like a bee that gathers nectar from flowers, in stillness and in silence I too gather nectar. It is called Awareness.

Elisbeth Blaikie

Case Study

Steven reported that he observed a spider near the bluebell in the wooded area; however, during the meditation, a small hummingbird emerged from his heart. The Flower Guide conveyed to Steven that the spider was creating an energetic web of protection and healing. Its purpose was to reconnect Steven to the energetic grid and to restore and recalibrate his energy system. The hummingbird, a symbol of joy and sweetness, was the sign that the energetic gridwork had been completed and that it was now time to "gather his own sweet nectar". Steven's transformation was underway and one of his first steps was to join a shamanic drumming group to continue to "connect with and honor his nature".

Closing Thoughts
Embrace your healing community. Give someone a hug today!

Ask Mother Nature. Can you really communicate with the "pests" in your garden? Ellen Vande Visse believes that you can! Watch her video book trailer called "Ask Mother Nature" (Findhorn Press) to explain. She'll take you, step-by-step, into her garden to encounter the onslaught of maggots, cutworms, slugs and other "pests" She introduces you to the idea that you can make a deal with these "pests" by tuning in and communicating with the garden devas and Nature Spirits, rather than waging chemical warfare on them. Watch here

The flower’s shape also plays a part in pollination, listen to this interesting talk, The Language of Flowers, by Dr. Heather Whitney, a molecular biologist by training, but who now uses ideas from across the scientific spectrum (from optical physics to beekeeping) to study plant-animal interactions. As both a researcher and speaker, she hopes to show that plants are much sneakier than is usually suspected -- they have to do everything that animals do (from finding a mate to coping with predators) but manage it without moving. Heather and her work have been featured on Radio 4′s Material World and The Naked Scientist. As a scientist, Heather has won awards for her research and has recently been awarded an L'Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland for Women Award in Science Fellowship. She spent several years as a researcher at the University of Cambridge before moving to the University of Bristol. Watch here.

A Journey into SoundBarbara Meiklejohn-Free and Tim Wheater
00:00 / 01:04
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